Thursday, July 29, 2021

The amazing Auction

 In Te Maunga we have been doing Astronomy. We have been learning about the sun and the earth and the moon. my Favourite text was the sun because its a star and it is made out of gas and it shoots out solar flare. and it shines on the earth from outer space and the moon comes down to earth  and the sun comes back to space and then it turns night 

And the sun goes to Another country and after the other country gets night and we get sun and after we write all the information down and we put it in a poster so after we are done we put our information in our slide and after our matariki We get to do fun stuff and if you finish your work you get to be in the Auction and if you finish you get 100$ and if you finish more you get 1000$ and in the Auction you have to call out a big number and we do auctions at easter and christmas and the school holidays and we do it at the end of the year and yeah we do auction every celebration.

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